Find The Workout You’ll Actually WANT To Do
Do what you love and you’ll never “exercise” a day in your life.
Since people know what I do for a living, I often get asked, “What’s the best workout for….insert random goal here. I used to try to answer this question based on cardio and strength components of different types of workouts. But the longer I’ve worked in this field, the more I believe in one simple philosophy: the best fitness routine is the one you actually enjoy - because that’s the one you’ll stick to longterm.
What do I mean by that? Let’s take a deeper look into why people embark on a new fitness routine to begin with. Often they are trying to lose weight, or achieve another health goal, like lower cholesterol or blood pressure. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with these motivating factors, they are goal-oriented, and often, lead to the new routine only lasting for a short amount of time - either the goal is accomplished , or the person gets frustrated and gives up. (I’ll talk more about goal-setting in an upcoming post). When people do stick with their new routine, often it’s because, intentionally or not, they have come to love the workout itself, not just the results.
I would argue that for a fitness routine to truly become part of your lifestyle, you have to enjoy the activity - it becomes something you want and need as part of your week, rather than something you reluctantly put on the calendar, and cancel when life gets “too busy.” If you’re looking to start a new fitness routine, as you explore your options, take a page from Marie Kondo and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?”
Not sure how to start finding an exercise routine that feels enjoyable? Did you laugh or roll your eyes when I even mentioned the concept? Then take a moment and ask yourself these three simple questions:
What did you love when you were younger?
Almost all of us have some physical activity that we really loved as kids. It just takes some creative thinking to transform those early joys into an adult fitness routine. Were you the kid who stood in front of the TV and taught yourself the dances from music videos? Try a 305 Fitness or Pole Dancing class. Always wished you could breakdance? Why not give capoeira a shot? Loved riding your bike around your neighborhood with friends? Rent a CitiBike, or try a spin class. Miss being part of a team? From ZogSports to Midnight Basketball Leagues, to CrossFit, there are plenty of fitness options that will give you the coaching, camaraderie, and support that you’re looking for.
What have you always wanted to learn how to do?
Is there a physical activity you’ve always wished you could do, but life got in the way? Then why not take your first step towards it now? If you’ve always dreamed of going snorkeling, but avoid it because you’re not a strong swimmer, this could be the right time to book some swim lessons. If you were inspired by “The Magnificent Seven” in the 1996 Summer Olympics, check out an adult gymnastics class. (Yup, they exist!) Same goes for boxing, skateboarding, rock-climbing….the list goes on. It’s fun to learn something new, and even more fun when it’s something you’ve always wanted to do.
What do you wish you were better at?
Maybe you golf, and get rusty in the off-season. Or wish you didn’t get tired so quickly when you play basketball with your kids. Or would like to hike more difficult trails, but always pick the easier ones. Or have given up on something because it was too hard/you weren’t that good at it. (I have definitely been guilty of this last one, and I’ll share with you in another post how I turned it around!) Just like pro athletes, you can build an entire fitness routine around getting better at an activity that’s meaningful to you.
The bottom line is, your fitness routine doesn’t have to be a struggle, a chore, or a commitment that you force yourself to stick with. Instead, it can be something you look forward to! I use this strategy with my own clients too. Each time I begin working with someone new, I not only ask their goals, I find out what physical activities and sports they love, and what they don’t really enjoy. This helps me craft their workouts, as I make sure to build in exercises that will improve their performance in the things they love to do. It keeps them motivated even when the workouts are tough, or they’re not in the mood, and it keeps me motivated to know that we’re working through programming that will make a difference in their whole life, not just in their fitness level.
Be Healthy. Be Happy.
Be Notorious.
Not sure how to begin building a fitness routine you’ll love? I’m happy to help design programming that will improve your performance in whatever sport or activity sparks joy for you! Please comment or reach out via my contact page if you’d like to chat about it!