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when injury becomes identity

Live workshop with Erica Marcano, MS ATC, CSCS

This 90 minute, interactive workshop acknowledges the grief and loss of identity that we feel when we sustain a physical injury, and can no longer participate in the activities that make us feel strong, capable, and safe in our bodies. We will also address the fear and hesitancy that accompanies the re-entry process into physical/athletic activity. As always, we will be blending evidence-based research with ancient wisdom and traditions, with the ultimate goal of helping you reconnect with your body’s own intuitive, internal intelligence. and begin to re-establish trust with your strong and capable self.

This course is based on 15+ years of work in the rehab and fitness settings with everyone from D1 collegiate and professional athletes to weekend warriors. 

Why I created this workshop:

I’ve been working in the rehab and fitness industry for over 15 years, with clients ranging from D1 and professional athletes to weekend warriors. As a former athlete myself, I’ve experienced injuries that affected my social life, my ability to work, and my ability to train. I know in my soul that injuries affect us well after tissue has clinically healed - and the research backs me up! I created this workshop to address exactly this - I consider it to be an essential piece of recovery from injury, that unfortunately is missing from most traditional rehab programs. “When Injury Becomes Identity” takes key lessons that I utilize with my one-on-one clients, and brings them to you in a format that is immediately applicable to your own unique injury and current situation. If you feel that your injury has subtly crept into and influenced other areas of your life for longer than it should have, you aren’t alone! Join us for this workshop and reclaim your strong and capable self!

 this workshop is for you if:

  • You know your pain isn’t just “in your head.”

  • Doctors or physical therapists have “cleared” you for return to activity, but deep down, you don’t feel ready.

  • You’re starting to worry if you’ll ever be able to return to the things that were important to you before your injury.

  • Your injury has affected your social life and/or relationships.

  • You’ve been getting manual therapy, and doing your strength training, but you still feel like something is missing.

  • You worry that you’re “behind schedule” in rehab, or that you won’t fully recover.

  • You want new tools to bring into your rehab process.


  • A better understanding of the science behind our experience of pain.

  • The missing link that no one talks about during injury rehab and recovery.

  • Actionable steps that you can start taking today to change your injury and recovery experience.

  • An audio file of a guided meditation to help you connect to your body’s internal, intuitive wisdom, so that you can continue to utilize it whenever you need to.


  • Identify your personal pain cycle, so that you can move into a new cycle after this workshop.

  • Identify your pain “triggers” and the story your brain is telling your body about your pain.

  • Determine next steps you can take with your PT or trainer to accelerate your progress.

  • Choose new short-term goals that will set you back on track to hit your ultimate goals.

What people are saying:

“I have always thought of my back surgery as unsuccessful, and I have such a new perspective of it now. Thank you!!”

“This feels very personal! The cycle you were talking about is exactly how it is. At least I know now that how I’m feeling is very normal. And now I can heal even better and won’t feel like I’m starting from scratch.”

“I honestly felt like that was group therapy! It’s almost comforting to hear other people feeling the same exact feelings as I do.”

“My favorite part was the meditation. I was so surprised to find little aches in my body that I didn’t know were there because I wasn’t paying attention. Now I can work on those to make sure they don’t increase!”

“You’re literally describing me with everything you’re talking about.”

“I was really intrigued by the psychological/physical element of what transpires [during injury and recovery]….so true how it goes hand and hand with each other.”

I will not be giving medical advice on specific orthopedic conditions during this workshop. However, you will gain tools that you can apply to YOUR injury and that you can bring into sessions with your physical therapist, athletic trainer, or fitness coach.